Category: Exhibition


    Die Duo-Ausstellung „STARE AT YOUR SCARS UNTIL THE SUN OF YOUR EYES MAKES THEM GROW FLOWERS“ von Anna Niedhart und Robert Seidel lädt die Besucher:innen in ein mehrdimensionales Universum ein, dessen unerwartetes Gravitationszentrum die Malerei ist. Beide rezipieren und multiplizieren Kunstgeschichte in der Wahl der Materialien und Verfahren. Bei Niedhart sind es unter anderem Porzellan,…

  • Tutto Paletti

    From politics to natural sciences, each revolution removes the images of the former power. In other words, the revolutionary action of removing the power in force is exhibited by way of demolishing its images. Or rather, this is how it should be. In fact, it sounds more like: the revolution replaces the current power and…

  • flourish – nature is a given fact

    Perception – ARTPerception – NATUREPerception – ANYTHING The combination of nature (science) and art is nothing new. Everything is based on the individual perception, which can be based on science as well as natural science. The perception of the environment, the processing of information, the concentration of information on essential aspects of contemporary confrontations and…

  • worlds we dream

    „Beyond the frenetic drive for growth motivated by profit and the insatiable thirst of capitalism, are other worlds. Worlds we dream, worlds we draw, worlds we sing. Worlds where visions are real, where flowers speak, and water heals. Worlds we download and upload into manifested reality“ Extract from Decolonial Healing: In Defense of Spiritual Technologies…

  • for one night only

    In the exhibition -for one night only-, Jennifer Bannert and Christian Holze make the intangible inbetween become reality. Between gravity and ease, heaven and earth, the past and the present, brightness and real encountersultimately awaits us at the end. Christian Holze’s works are the result of an exploration of epoch-specific transformations of images in art…

  • Rendez-vous de chasse

    In the hunting room, we stage ourselves as conquerors of wild animal nature. Be it deer or boar hunting scenes on medieval tapestries, be it painted wall coverings with fights of exotic predators, or skillfully arranged still lives of dead birds: Over the centuries, animals of almost every species have made their way into the…

  • from Adlershof with Love

    From Adlershof with Love shows different positions of the artists XPINKY BERLIN represents, as well as guests. This creates an exciting exchange of different positions and disciplines of contemporary art. Especially young artists will find space in the interdisciplinary exhibition. In the first edition of all inclusive works of the artists Felix Becker, bn+BRINANOVARA, Charlotte…

  • forever & ever

    Painting and sculpture are mutually dependent in the works of Anna Nero and Gary Schlingheider and arise from the preoccupation with the transgression of boundaries between the two genres. Color and form are the focus of their engagement. Fascinated by the gaudy banality of everyday life, Anna Nero uses quotes from advertising, fashion, and comics,…

  • Outline

    In the border areas of painting, printmaking and drawing we find the works of Jennifer König. Jennifer König creates unique characteristics, which oscillate between phenomenon and conception. The young Leipzig artist takes us into her creative process and lets us become part of it. The solo exhibition ‚OUTLINES‘ ascribes central importance to the application of…